June 1 World Outlander Day
Romance. Time Travel. Standing stones. Tragedy. War. Comedy. Portals. More romance. Sex. Violence. History. Misunderstandings. Love story. Hate story. Medicine. Voyages. Gold. Children. Family. Magic. Witchcraft. Spycraft. And more. It's got it all.
Outlander, is set in Scotland and early America, Diana Gabaldon has written 9 of 10 planned books regarding the relationship of Claire, born in 1900s England, and Jamie Fraser, born in the early 1700s Scotland. By a happenstance of genetics and nature, Claire is transported from 1945 Scotland to 1743, in the same location by touching the standing stones at Craig Na Duhn, a fictional location near the real Inverness.
Diana Gabaldon holds multiple degrees in Zoology, Marine Biology, and a Ph.D. In Quantitivel Behavioral Ecology.
In her own words Gabaldon describes how and when she started writing the novel Outlander.
“The OUTLANDER series started by accident in the late 1980s when I decided to write a novel for practice. My goals were::
1. To learn what it took to write a novel, and
2. To decide whether I really wanted to do that for real.”
It turned out to be a happy accident. She has completed 9 of 10 books planned for the book series, with numerous side books and stories. It has also been made into a rather popular TV series by the same name which premiered in 2014.
The appeal of the story comes from the fact that in some ways it is a simple love story. The characters and locations are pretty clear with only some occasional confusion about where and when are the characters.
The titles of the main Outlander books are:
10. Un-named final book
I have read all the books, but when I need to re-read it, I return to the first book, Outlander, over and over.